One weekday afternoon, the patented super fiber, FBCx was featured on an episode of The Dr. Oz Show titled, “How To Get Your Fat To Eat Itself”. The weight management tool from client, Soho Flordis International, a company headquartered in Australia, does just that: it binds to the fat in food and removes it from your body, along with the associated calories.
This PR hit accomplished by Gauger + Associates was significant exposure, with FBCx’s effectiveness confirmed by the highly revered Dr. Oz. In the segment, he proclaimed, “This is a very cool fiber that has amazed my entire staff…It can eliminate nine times its weight in fat, it removes 500 calories of fat per day.”
Gauger + Associates worked with SFI to position and brand FBCx, then create consumer outreach from the ground up, beginning with naming, positioning and branding Calorease, and creating the package design. We built extensive websites for both FBCx and Calorease, with animation and e-commerce capabilities tied closely to social media. The trade launch included advertising, trade show booth design and collateral material. The consumer launch leveraged nationwide distribution at GNC and Walgreens employing print, online, radio and television advertising. It also included a SEM and a public relations outreach program.
The Dr. Oz segment was a turning point for the ingredient and the brand: has been visited over 68,000 times and boasts 58,000 visits immediately after airing. The PR coverage emptied store shelves, while broadcast video advertising doubled sales in key Walgreens’ markets.